Bombers Polo 3 Ring Petros Elliptical - TATO'S MALLETS

Bombers 3 Ring Petros Elliptical

A Ring cheek piece introduces poll pressure as well creating leverage on the mouthpiece. The 3 Ring is our most popular version.

The Elliptical is a 45 mm lozenge, it is stronger than the Control Plate due to it having a smaller surface area. Consequently, a horse using his tongue as a means of pushing against the bit and therefore taking control, will draw back and tuck his chin in, coming back to a better point of control.

The Petros mouthpieces rotate preventing the horse taking hold of the bit. Often good for a horse that leans or tries to take hold of the bit.

All our bits are made from blue sweet iron, because it:

oxidizes easily
encourages salivation
helps bit acceptance
is warm and sweet

Please note the blue will fade with use.